Milan Christian Church Procedures
Milan Christian Church has resumed our regular services at 719 E Carr St., Milan, IN 47031
We hope that the following information will help during your visit.
Restrooms are available through the doorway at the center of the back of the sanctuary.
Prepackaged communion emblems are available at the Connect Center. You may pick them up before the service starts. We observe communion every Sunday.
A collection box is available at the Connect Center and giving online is an option as well.
Children’s programs are available. Wee Church is available for children Pre-K Kids and Youth Church for those in grades 1-5. These programs begin after communion when they will be released to go to their classrooms located through the door at the back of the sanctuary.
The nursery is available for parents as needed for young children, but we don’t have anyone responsible for that room currently. Feel free to use the room and stay with your child. It is located in the room behind the A/V booth to the right of the sanctuary.
Bulletins are available at the Connect Center.
Coffee, OJ, and donuts are provided in the kitchen on the first Sunday of the month. The building is open by 10:00 so you have a little time to socialize before the service starts.
Our pantry item for the month of June is bar soap. Place items in the tub at the back of the sanctuary.